A Biblically-centered, female-facilitated, confidential support group for women who have discovered that their partner is betraying them sexually, whether that be lusting, pornography and/or adultery.    Facilitators are women who have firsthand experience with betrayal and will help you on your journey of healing.    Some topics discussed are trauma, self-care, anger, loss & grief, sexual addiction, codependency, boundaries, and forgiveness.

Cost is $30 for class and materials.

When: Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 7- 9 PM, Room 200

Where: CPC, (Community Presbyterian Church) , 222 W. El Pintado, Danville

Questions: email Linda or Confidential Voice Mail (925) 855-1367 x 568


Big Heart Wellness Center is a network of support services that helps community members improve the wellness in their lives.  Grounded in the Interfaith Food Pantry and organically-grown Big Heart Garden, the Center offers nutritional education, legal assistance, mental health referrals and cooking classes.

Funded in part by a grant from Episcopal Charities Action Network,  (ECAN), Southern Alameda County, the Center's programs are provided in collaboration with Alameda County Community Food Bank, (ACCFB), Bay Area Legal Aid, (BALA), and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Tri-Valley.

Contact: Program Coordinator at (925) 455-1452 (Thursday's 8:oo AM  - 1:00 PM)

Food Pantry: Monday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday, 8:00 AM -9:00 AM

Pantry email:   Food Pantry

Location:  678 Enos Way, Livermore

Information: www.saintbartslivermore.com


The CA Youth Crisis Line is a free, 24/7 confidential phone counseling and resource referral service available to youth ages 12-24 and/or any adults supporting youth.

The CA Youth Crisis Lines is a program of the California Coalition for Youth.  CCY is a membership agency that promotes youth-adult partnerships and advocates for youth involvement in public policy and is funded in part by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services and The California Wellness Foundation.

Contact:  1-(800) 843-5200

Website: www.calyouth.org


This is a Biblical, balanced program designed to provide a recovery process to overcome hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Learn more at www.celebraterecovery.com

When: Begins Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM

 Where: Valley Christian Center, 7500 Inspiration Dr., Dublin

Contact: Pastor  Jimi Merrell or  call (925) 560-6228.


ClutterLess, (CL) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, peer based, SELF- HELP SUPPORT GROUP for people who want to change their cluttering behavior on a deeper level than learning how to organize.   Support meetings are free, however a voluntary donation of $3 to $ 5 is appreciated.   By attending regular support meetings, we maintain decluttering momentum and talk about why we clutter and learn from others how they overcame the same challenges.

Pleasanton Meetings: Every Monday (no meetings on US Post Office holidays), 7:00 PM- 8:30 PM

Where:  The Parkview, 100 Valley Avenue, (2nd Floor Activity Room: use Valley Avenue Main Entrance) Pleasanton 

Information: email or call a Volunteer (925) 289-5356

Website: www.ClutterLessEastBay.org


No matter how much we want to believe that the heart of co-dependency and recovery lies in the other person, the truth is that it lies in ourselves, in the way we allow other people's behaviors to affect us.  Replacing our self-worth in Christ with outside or external sources is not what God intended for you.  This group will provide tools to regain control of your life through Christ centered Bible teaching. Cost $20.00 includes workbook.  Additional materials will be available for purchase.  No registration required.  Childcare available -  contact Julia Yeremian

When: Mondays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM or  9:30 AM  Women only Thursdays

Where: Cornerstone Fellowship, 348 N. Canyons  Prkwy.,Livermore, Room C201

Contact:  Linda, for more info


Crisis Support Services of Alameda County offers support groups and one on one counseling for older adults in North Oakland.   Pre-registration is required and the group size is limited to 8 participants.  Services are provided by counselors in training supervised by licensed therapists. There is a sliding scale fee based on income; no one is turned away for inability to pay.

Information call: 1-800-260-0094

24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-800-309-2131

Crisis Support Services of Alameda County: www.crisissupport.org


A support group for parents, spouses or other adults facing the heartache of dealing with loved ones struggling with addictive behaviors of alcohol or drugs.  We encourage growth and recovery for the whole family.  Our goal is for participants to find courage, strength and hope in Christ through a Bible based 12 step program and prayer.  No registration or fee required.  Childcare is available -please contact Julia.

When: Mondays

Time: 7-8:30 PM

Where: Cornerstone Fellowship, 348 N. Canyons Prkwy, Livermore, Room C219

Contact: Laurie, for more info



Crisis Support Services of Alameda County offers support to people of all ages and backgrounds during times of crisis.  Funded in part by Alameda County Behavioral Health (Proposition 63).

Individual, Group & Family Grief Counseling services are provided by counselors in training supervised by licensed therapists.  There is a sliding scale fee based on income; no one is turned away for inability to pay.

24-Hour Crisis Line : 1-800-309-2131

Grief Counseling: low-fee counseling to adults  1-800-260-0094

Contact: (510) 420-2460 , Business Office to learn more about this organization.



EBCRP offers a variety of programs for Youth & Families, Adults & Veterans, Incarcerated /Reentry and HIV/Hepatitis Affected.

EBCR has office locations  in Oakland and Hayward.

East Bay Community Recovery Project (EBCRP) supports self-sufficiency and wellness of individuals and families by providing comprehensive and integrated services for mental health, substance use and related health conditions while addressing housing and employment.

Haven for Heroes (EBCRP) provides supportive services to very low-income Veteran families living in or transitioning to permanent housing.  The program is funded by VA's program, Supportive Services for Veterans (SSVF).  Contact the Program Director at (510) 903-1200 for more details.

Phone : (510) 446-7100

