80th American Legion Oratorical Contest

The Pleasanton American Legion Post 237, will host a local contest.  The contest is open to ALL High School Student's grades 9 thru 12: Public, Home Schooled, Private, Parochial and Military.  Eligible participants must be citizens of, or lawful permanent resident of the United States and must be a resident of the State of California.

The contest is two parts: and eight to ten minute oration (speech without notes) on any aspect of the Constitution of the United States AND a three to five minute discourse on one of a possible four assigned topics.

Local contest awards prizes and more information see website.

Deadline for entries: Friday, January 13, 2017

Further Information: www.legion.org/oratorical/topics

When: Saturday, January 21, 2017, at 1:00 PM

Where: Pleasanton Veterans Memorial Bldg, 301 Main Street, Pleasanton

Contact: email American Legion Post 237 Oratorical Chairman or call (925) 846-8725
